Some of you are old enough to remember Ray Stevens singing the song, "Everything is beautiful in its own way." In fact I can hear his voice singing those words in my head as I type!
It's true, you know. I especially think that when I see the absolutely beautiful fall color. I took the pictures you see here a couple of days ago in our yard. There were so many intense, saturated colors, it was difficult to stop taking shots. It seems as though every angle gave me an even better view.
Why is it that each season, for one reason or another, is "the best"? If you're like me, you find wonderful things about Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. They all have highlights. So is it with life. It doesn't make any difference if you're young or old, in the sunrise or sunset of your life, God has wonderful things for you if you will simply stop and enjoy them. Like we read in Ecclesiastes, "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under the sun."
Why do we miss the beauty of a season, or the good things God has for us where we are right now? Usually it's because we're consumed by the wrong thing. We allow ourselves to be held hostage by a past that is long gone, or become anxious about a future that is at best a fantasy, and in the process miss the moment we have with God right now. Could that be why God tells us in so many different ways, "Be still and know that I am God"?
There's something strong to be said about slowing down, centering down on what God is doing right now, and enjoying what he has for us. "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!"
May the Lord give you eyes to see the beauty of the season, whether it be in your yard or your life.
I, too, love fall colors...can't say I enjoy raking leaves, but it's all perspective. My grand-daughter finds no end of joy in running through the leaves that have fallen on the lawn. This joy is contagious and I find myself raking the leaves into a pile so that she can play in it...which spreads the joy to me as I watch her. Grandchildren really are a reward for putting up with teenagers...but I digress...
I have been marveling every day at the beautiful colors this year...God has surely blessed us with His amazing paintbrush...Thanks for the lovely pictures you have given us of your yard, bet you are enjoying it so much...
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