Thursday, April 30, 2009

What a concept!

Today I had the privilege of doing the memorial service for Paul Johnstone, a wonderful man who was the second principal of our school, Cornerstone. Paul came to us as a teacher, and left as a Principal to serve in numerous schools around the world. He left this world much sooner than any of us were ready for (62 years of age). What a lot of life he packed into those 62 years!

In talking with Joanne and his girls, among the many wonderful things they said about Paul, one thing really stood out. They said he was always "current" in his relationships, having no regrets or unfinished business in any of them. Indeed, moments before he died of a blood clot that went to his heart, he had sent Joanne a message at school telling her he "loved her endlessly," and loved his girls madly as well. Interestingly enough, he just "happened" to visit all his girls in February, being home for a short time from his school in Eritrea, Africa. Wasn't God good? In man ways that would have made little difference, because he made sure to communicate his fondness continually.

What a concept! Current in all his relationships. Wow, is that ever something to ponder. It made me stop and consider myself just how "current" I am, "caught up" in communicating my love for my loved ones, making sure there's no significant unfinished relational business. How about you? Are you current, caught up?

One more time I'm impressed by the brevity of life. Though we don't know what tomorrow holds, we know who holds tomorrow, and that brings us comfort and peace. But how much more we could have if we were to make certain our relationships with those we love were "current."

God bringing anyone to your heart?



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