tied up in other things. On Thursday our friends Mike and Julie Scheel came to visit us from Vancouver. What a treat! We ate and laughed our way through a couple of great days before they had to leave for home very early Sunday morning.
They actually got to see what I have been doing 5 days a week for the last 7 weeks in treatment. The staff at the Proton Institute allowed them to come into the Yellow Gantry with me and watch the first part of the treatments (when I got onto the table to be laser straightened, swung out into the gantry, x-rays "magically" coming out of the walls, etc. We won't talk about the "etc"). Then they had to leave because of the x-rays before the actual treatment. But it was great for them to be there so they could see how amazing and essentially indescribable this treatment is. They thought "Star Wars" pretty much summed it up.
After an early treatment, we had breakfast, then left for St. Augustine. It was a fun day all around, touring the city in a Trolley, and eating at a place famous for Fried Shrimp (folks come from other states just to get them). On Saturday we went to Jekyll Island in Georgia, about 45 minutes from here. The Live Oak tree in the picture is one of hundreds on the island. This place is about as peaceful as you could ever find anywhere. We all loved our time there, walking the grounds of the historic area once "home away from home" to the world's wealthiest people (DuPont, Morgan, Rockefeller, etc.) The Federal Reserve was started there with about 6 wealthy guys hanging out, etc. What a place. Actually now it is simply a very quiet, peaceful place. When you visit there, standing in the midst of trees like this, you can't help but think of Jesus' words: "These things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but cheer up: I have overcome the world!" Emotionally he wants us always standing in the midst of his peace, like standing in the midst of these trees. Isn't that wonderful?
After M and J left for home, we went to church and "hung out" enjoying the Olympics with everybody else. Can you believe Michael Phelps? Wow!
Today I had treatment #37 at 7:10. Just 4 more to go. The challenge now is to get through this week with no power outages. With Hurricane Fay bearing down on Florida, this is going to take much fervent prayer. I just heard on the news that we can expect 3-10" of rain on Wednesday alone, and there could be spotty power outages. My hope is that the storm diminishes, and it turns out to be much ado about nothing. I also am getting a bit challenged by my "proton tan." That is what they call the 3" circles where the beam enters your body on both sides. Over time, it simply burns. It looks like a bad sunburn, getting worse by the day. Some folks actually blister. So I'm trying to do whatever I can to preclude that.
Well, my friends, may you be blessed in this new day!
Dear Bill,
I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you letting us in on your treatment and progress through this blog.
I also want to share with you how blessed, loved, cared, and missed you are. Not just by me but countless others in the Church.
I also want to pass along the love and care for you expressed through the visiting pastors and guest speakers.
You are truly loved and blessed.
Every Sunday the presence of your spirit is among us.
We all await your triuphant return.
God Bless and Keep You Always.
I just found your blog and am happy to see your progress! We are totally out of the Crossroads link here in Wisconsin, but found out about your treatments when we were in Vancouver over the summer.
Our family is happy to hear about your "adventures" and we're praying for you!!
Hugs to you and that sweet wife of yours!
The Nolen family :)
Bill,It looks like your weather forecast is calling for all rain and little lightning. That's great. We're praying that you can finish these last THREE treatments without a weather hitch. Dude, you'll be home before you know it! Does that bring a smile to your face or what! All of us are looking forward to seeing both of you and those big smiles back at home. We're ramping up the prayers asking the Lord to see this through and bring you and Betty safely back to the old stomping grounds.We love you guys,Tim
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