teaching our church over the last nine months or so, it is this: it's
all about relationship. Our lives are designed to center first on a relationship with God, Father-Son-Holy Spirit, the kind of relationship that is intimate, growing, trusting, and exciting. We may not know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future, and that is truly enough. It's like the paraphrased statement from Ps. 23 says: "Because the Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need." As we develop that relationship with God of intimacy, honesty, and trust, we then carry that over into relationships with one another. We want them to be authentic, caring, and nurturing, the kinds of relationships that truly build one another up. We all know how awful it feels to be hurt by others. How wonderful it feels to enjoy the reverse, the God-style life.
This picture was taken this evening at our usual Thursday night no-host fellowship dinner. You are seeing some of the folks in the program, people we've come to share our lives with over the last few weeks. When you have cancer and its treatment in common, I can tell you this: you get open, honest, and intimate very quickly. You don't sweat the small things, nor do you dwell on the petty things. Instead, you treasure life and the means you have been given to get healthy. I can't tell you how healing the relationships are that we are cultivating in this environment. It's a great picture in more ways than one.
This evening we sat across from a wonderful couple from Louisiana. The fellow's level of prostate cancer is essentially as bad as it gets, at least on the surface. But because of what he is getting here, as well as his attitude and support, great things are happening. He is definitely a "cup half full" kind of guy, an approach shared by his vivacious wife. As we got in our car to return home, we just praised the Lord for the opportunity to hang out with such a "healthy" group of people!
May your new day find new blessings from a God who loves you madly!
Bill - it is very inspiring to read about the healing and relationship aspects with the group at the Proton Institute. The cancer support group you recently formed at Crossroads Church has provided us the same experience and I can't express it any better than you did.. "open, honest, intimate, don't sweat the small things, nor do you dwell on the petty things, treasure life..."
Walter (and Susan)
Scott Sorenson has done a fabulous job in spearheading this group. He has "been there, done that, and has the battle scars" that help him to be so helpful with this group. Stay tuned: it's going to get even better!
Pastor Bill and Betty,
Hello, it is so great to read your blog and get caught up with you both. Thanks for sharing your life with us even when you are away in florida. You are missed at church, but we are blessed that you are there getting treatment with such a wonderful program "Praise the LORD"!! Just know you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Lindy Maus
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