This is the house directly across the street from ours. As you can see, they were having quite a birthday party for their little one. Covered the entire house with a tent. How's that for going the extra mile for little precious?
Actually it's not a party at all, unless you're a termite mortician. Around here, if a house has much age to it, it is bound to get termites along with various and sundry other critters. So at least once in the time you own the house, you will get the joy of having it covered with a huge tent like this one, then pumped full of some sort of odious, poisonous gas designed to destroy all those little white things that enjoy nibbling on your house for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Seems to me like carpenter ants are a whole lot easier to deal with, but maybe that's just me.
As it turns out, we could have gone to the swamp today after all. Like some folks have told us, around here you can't trust either the weather or the weather person(s). They can predict all they want to, but you never know exactly what you're going to have until you have it. We followed our secondary plan, going through the Museum Of Science and History (MOSH, for short), then had lunch and meandered around one of the neighborhood areas here in JAX called "San Marco." It reminds us of the Belmont area of Portland, with more and nicer shops and restaurants. Yes, the food was terrific!
When we started for home about 3:00, the sky opened up. Another gully washer. At times we were hydroplaning through probably six inches of water across the road. Like I said earlier, when it rains here, it really rains. No doubt about it.
For those of you in the great PNW, enjoy that lovely weather I keep hearing all about. Just control yourself and refuse to rub it in!
Bill and Betty
Bill and Betty...glad you made it safely to south Jawja, and you're able to enjoy the sights, the food, and most importantly, you get to take part in that free sauna Florida has for its visitors. High heat and humidity...and it's all free! We're praying for every success and your safe/quick return. Remember what I said right before you sure to brush up on everything happening to the Florida Gators. There'll be a test when you get back!
God bless and keep you both,
Phil and Linda Miller
Sounds like the day turned out great afterall, even without the swamp tour! (BTW, I love the Pit Stop deodorant idea, let's talk to some venture capitalists when you get back!)
Nice picture too - I can't imagine having your entire living space fumigated with poisonous pesticides and then moving back in. No thanks!
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