One of the couples going through treatment caught wind of my birthday and are hosting a party at their place tonight. It's a beautiful condo on the 22nd floor of a building overlooking the St. John's river. A bit different from "the hood!" LOL They are extremely generous folks, and I appreciate very much their kindness. I think they've invited the whole entourage to the party! (that is not a small number!)
Though my legs may look white, that's just an optical illusion. They are actually a very deep brown tan. I just photoshopped it to white to satisfsy my dermatologist back home. Oh, and all those dots on my legs that look like bug bites? I just threw those in to make it look more like I was in the South! And that isn't really hydrocortizone cream all over them. You're just seeing things!
Hey, have a great day. May you be richly blessed!
Happy birthday Bill!!!! The party sounds really fun, I hope your day is grand!
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!! Hope your day is awsome as you celebrate with your new-found friends/family in the Lord. Hey, don't worry about the white legs, I'll bet mine are still whiter.
Be blessed!
Ralph and Karen O
Ahhh Bill. I've taken the liberty to blow up your picture and see that, upon closer inspection, you are likely experiencing "Bug Braille." If you were to rub your fingertips lightly over the tops of the little bumps you might find that even the insects have gotten the word. I believe that your bug braille reads: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. CHA, CHA, CHA or CHEW, CHEW, CHEW....something like that. Hope that your birthday party was fantastic.
Tim and Cathy
I think I've solved the mystery: "chiggers!" Nasty little no-see-ums. I think they are related to lice, which rhymes with "not nice." Actually they secrete some kind of fluid that reacts like poison oak or ivy, so you can get a sense of the "itch." Ah, yes, who would think about these kinds of benefits of living in the South!
Hey Bill,
First, pretend you hear the voice of an angel . . . Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Bill, happy birthday to you! You gave me a gift the other day when you commented about the environments we create in relationships. That ministered to me so much! God even uses you 3000 miles away. Is that cool or what? Have a great day!
Denise Maki
Happy Birthday, Pastor Bill! Hope you enjoyed your celebration tonight. We miss hearing from you on Sundays, but continue to be blessed by your faithful walk in this journey. Hello to Betty too!
Andy & Stacie Cerotsky
Happy Birthday. Hope you are doing well. We are thinking about you and praying for you and Betty.
John Bishop
Thanks so much. We will take all the prayer we can get! This is really an unusual form of cancer treatment because when you are apart from the treatment, it's like being on vacation. That's why we call it a "radiation vacation." Today (like all other Tuesdays) we met with a number of other folks at a great little restaurant for a no-host fellowship lunch. It's not unlike the church with fantastic mutual support. In some ways I wish the church were more like this sometimes!
Happy Happy Birthday To You!!! So what, you aren't 80? That's what we heard on Sunday... Boy, that Ken! He sure knows how to age a person, huh? :) Seriously, enjoy your day and have a great party!!! We love ya!
The Pesky's :)
Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday (1 day late) !! We saw a few geese (late season stragglers) doing a fly-by and heading SouthWest towards your house yesterday. I think they were looking for you and wanting to wish you a special Happy Birthday.
Sue (and Walt)
Happy birthday Bill! The photo does your tan justice and I'd never have noticed the bites if you hadn't mentioned them.
I'm enjoying your commentary on life in the deep South. It makes me glad to know I can visit some day yet also know I'm returning to God's country.
Jill and I look forward to the day when we hear your stories in person. We're praying for you and Betty every day.
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