lady standing in the middle of the room pictured here: it's Betty, speaking with the wife of another proton patient. She is standing in a part of the lobby we gather in while we wait to be called for our time in the Gantry. As you can tell, it's a beautiful area, nothing like what most would imagine having to do with cancer treatment. The environment itself adds to the positive pace set by the entire Florida Proton Therapy Institute.
It causes me to wonder what kind of "environment" we create in our relationships with others. Is it inspiring, uplifting, encouraging and helpful? Or would our "environment" be much more bleak, filled with criticism, judgment, and Monday-morning quarterbacking? This is one of those pictures I want to have etched in my mind and on my heart so that I can be one who truly helps, not hinders. That certainly is the "Jesus style," after all. Why did "the common people hear him gladly?" Because he was such a neat guy! You just felt better being in his presence. Hmmmm. I think there's a lesson in there somewhere!
I had a very funny experience today. Actually the situation happened yesterday, but the explanation was today. Yesterday, some fellow travelers at FP were having trouble getting their printer to print from their computer. They are renting a house just like ours, from the same people, just a couple of blocks away. Since they have exactly the same kind of printer, I offered to help them get hooked up. I did the things that worked for us, and yet it failed. No matter what I tried, it failed. Finally I called Mr. Computer-Jock of the Universe, Jason Rousette, and asked him to help me get their printer going. Jason patiently worked us through a variety of "fixes," all of which seemed to work, yet none of which actually did. Finally he suggested that they simply buy a USB cable and print directly, forgetting all about doing it wirelessly. So that's what I told them, and Betty and I returned home.
Today as we were at the fellowship luncheon, Grace (the wife) said to Betty, "Remember when Bill couldn't get the printer going even though it seemed to be saying it was working fine? Well today our new neighbor (a "newbie" Proton patient, also renting from the same people, also with the same printer) came over with a sheaf of papers and asked me if I was the person mentioned on them. When I said I was, he said that suddenly yesterday his printer started printing off all sorts of things, about 16 pages worth, and it was doing it all on its own! hahaha Apparently my friends somehow have been using the network of the next door neighbor and didn't even know it! Isn't technology grand?
Be blessed as you enjoy the Son!
That's hilarious!
Once again, you have found a teachable moment regarding our "environment." It's a joy to read. But the story about the printer is very strange but comical. Who would have thought of that? Did you get that email from our exchange student? I thought that was cool! BTW, it's beautiful again today and the long rang forecast calls for more of the same....not to rub it in though.
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